Dickinson (7)


Morns like these — we parted — 
Noons like these — she rose — 
Fluttering first — then firmer 
To her fair repose. 

By new lights like these - we changed -
And by highlights like these - we came to see -
Inch by inch - then yard by yard
Until equilibrium has set.

Never did she lisp it - 
It was not for me — 
She — was mute from transport — 
I — from agony — 

Never was there any doubt -
not for me -
She - knew it from the start
I - the impending labour -

Till — the evening nearing 
One the curtains drew — 
Quick! A Sharper rustling! 
And this linnet flew! 

Untill - the drawing end
On heavens take
Hold fast! A keener whisperer
And this oracle begone!


So has a Daisy vanished 
From the fields today — 
So tiptoed many a slipper 
To Paradise away — 

This is how a mayflower left
From the living earth
So close with much mistakes
Leaving to Paradise

Oozed so in crimson bubbles 
Day’s departing tide — 
Blooming — tripping — flowing - 
Are ye then with God? 

Drowning in sinful contemplation
Hope balancing on the tides
Salvation - Repentance - Continuously -
Is this what it means to be with God?


If those I loved were lost 
The Crier’s voice would tell me - 
If those I loved were found 
The bells of Ghent would ring —

If my best would be interpreted wrong
It would be made known on the street -
If my best would be recognised found
They would see it as a holy mission -

Did those I loved repose 
The Daisy would impel me. 
Philip — when bewildered 
Bore his riddle in! 

Did those I reach find the central message?
Those on the path would hang me out to dry
The open minded - when perplexed
Exhaust themselves by means of uncovering inwards./would exchange ignorance for the answer.


Adrift! A little boat adrift! 
And night is coming down! 
Will no one guide a little boat 
Unto the nearest town? 

Isolation! A small divergence from the mass!
And how you shall be judged!
Will no one guide a slight difference in sight
unto the closest doctrine?

So Sailors say — on yesterday — 
Just as the dusk was brown 
One little boat gave up its strife 
And gurgled down and down. 

So at the beginning of the voyage- upon reflecting -
Just as there was no end in sight
That small diverger gave up its strife
And sunk deeper and deeper

So angels say — on yesterday — 
Just as the dawn was red 
One little boat — o’erspent with gales — 
Retrimmed its masts — redecked its sails — 
And shot — exultant on! 

So at the end of the voyage - upon reflecting - 
Just as the treasure was to be found
One small seeker - who was troubled with opposition -
reinforced its views - reinforced its stance =
And went on - triumphantly!


Summer for thee, grant I may be 
When Summer days are flown! 
Thy music still, when Whippoorwill 
And Oriole — are done! 

Comforting information, that I may grant you
When the easy days are gone!
To reinforce your judgement, when under repetitive attack of the whispering demons
And the devil - are done!

For thee to bloom, I'll skip the tomb 
And row my blossoms o'er! 
Pray gather me — 
Anemone — 
Thy flower — forevermore! 

For you to succeed, I'll skip 
And provide you my best help
Pray: save me
When the whispering starts
unto your recipient - for the Lord's salvation!

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